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Sept 19, 2019: Alphacore receives NASA award to Conduct Model and Testing Based Assurance of COTS Systems in Space Radiation Environments


Alphacore, with their research partner Vanderbilt University, will develop innovative test strategies to mitigate radiation induced failures in High Performance Computing (HPC) system/components and Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) parts. The use of COTS in space for electronics is a potential significant enabler for many capabilities during a mission. This STTR project will provide a better understanding of the feasibility of COTS electronics for HPC in space environments which are already heavily shielded. The proposed strategies include, but are not limited to, failure modes to mitigate radiation induced impacts to potential HPC systems in those highly shielded space environments, such as manned missions and human habitats.

The results from this project will be relevant to any NASA mission or project and any space mission that intends to send humans beyond LEO (Low Earth Orbit) with a High-Performance Computing (HPC) system.
